Xmas Seal Pup

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After an hour pembinaan in the pool early this morning, it was straight back to base to grab kit and kayaks. Alice and Katia joined me for a paddle from the Sound, stunning conditions and a memorable sunrise! Landings were scarce. I've never seen so many seals, in one trip...

Unbelievably, a couple of week old seal pup, making it surely a Xmas one! : 0

View Xmas Seal Pup Video

Back to base to wash gear, and kit up for the Youth Scholarship pembinaan session...
a night paddle from Peel.

Youth Scholarship - TR. 31

 A really productive session, and the team are getting stronger : 0

Headed home to wash and sort the kit, and post a few pics. An invigorating day! 
Heading to Ramsey now for a spot of Judo...

Catch you on the water soon

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