Basking Shark Fishing...

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I crashed a Guided Kayak Fishing trip on Saturday morning with Kelvin from Kelvin's Tackle...
 ...plenty of Pollock being caught (and released) and then a large black dorsal fin surfaced out front and headed straight for us...
...if you''ve never seen a Basking Shark before, then when one swims beneath your kayak, and remains there for nearly a minute, just feeding...
...before moving off in search of more nutritious food, its quite awe inspiring! : )

Junior Paddlesport

The afternoon was the opportunity for the first session on the sea for those who have been completing the skill stages in our Junior Paddlesport program.
I know many of these folk are very excited about the Youth Development Week's we are running this July and August as well : )
Stunning weather and perfect conditions for their introduction to Sea Kayaking!
The lads session followed the girls session, later in the afternoon, progressing their skills from the pool into the sea environment, and full sized sea kayaks!!

Great to see the Adventure Club out utilising the conditions to do some mileage : )
See you on the water soon : ))

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